The most Frequently Asked Questions.

How can I add ModBotic?

You can add ModBotic to your server by clicking here or you can visit our Top.gg page here: https://top.gg/bot/747076873359458370

Does ModBotic have a support server?

What is ModBotic's default prefix?

ModBotic's default prefix is ~ but it's 100% customizable to your liking!

Can I trust ModBotic?

Yes! off course you can. ModBotic got verified by Discord Official. And they WILL NOT verify untrusted or suspicious bots!

Where can I vote for ModBotic?

You can vote for ModBotic by going on the links here or do ~vote in any server ModBotic is in.

How can I share my suggestions & ideas for ModBotic?

You can suggest stuff for ModBotic by joining the support server. Inside the server do ~suggest <your_suggestion> in the Testing channels.

How can I give my feedback & opinions about ModBotic?

You can share your feedback for ModBotic by doing ~feedback <the feedback> from any server ModBotic is in! The feedback will be sent directly to the #feedback channel in the Official Development server.

How can I report a bug from ModBotic?

You can report bugs from ModBotic by doing ~bugreport <bug or error> from any server ModBotic is in! The bug reports will be sent directly to the #bug-reports channel in the Official Development server.

How can I donate & contribute to ModBotic?

You can donate to ModBotic via: PayPal - itzvoid.za@gmail.com

Here is a permanent invite link that will never expire! https://discord.gg/8D2TM5XAfQ

Last updated